Monthly Archives: July 2013

Who Is God and what Is He Like? (part 1)

The Bible is very clear about who God is and what He is like. The very first verse of the Scriptures already reveal to us a lot of things we can learn about God.


“In the beginning, God…”

This passage of the verse tells us that God HAS ALWAYS BEEN GOD! There was never a time in which God started to exist. He is ETERNAL! He has no beginning, and He has no ending. And because of that He can never be measured by time.

“…God created…”

Not only is God eternal but that God is POWERFUL. He is powerful enough to cause everything in this universe to exist. This passage also tells us that God is PURPOSEFUL. Consider the suggestion of non-believers who say that we ‘just became like this’ after millions of years of evolution and random development. If there was no God, then this means we were the product of random chaos–that there is no purpose behind our existence; that we ‘just happened.’ But how can we, human beings who are capable or crafting actions with purpose, be the result of an event that had no purpose at all?

It must be, and it can only be, that if we are capable of following a purpose, then we must have been the result of a Being that is capable of making, designing and following a purpose–a Being that is rational like us, but whose rationality is unlimited unlike ours.

“…the heaven and the earth.”

This closing statement implies that everything in this universe was His creation. It also tells us that when He created the universe, everything it needed, needs or will ever need to continue on existing has been put in place by Him. There is nothing excessive or shortcoming of His creation.

In other verses of the same chapter, we find that when God created, He was…

“…everything that was made, and behold, it was very good.”

This statement tells us that God created the universe based on a standard: a GOOD standard. And this good standard is Himself. He is the basis for everything created to be good.


For ‘HE IS GOD!’